This is a blog about (Virginia Mason Franciscan Health) and the St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma, Washington. Their collection process is highly aggressive, threatening, and violated my rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This is my personal experience and opinion. I hope this blog shows how bad they are and use unfair practices. We will keep you updated about their news and issues along the way in hopes we can make the health community better and improve these conditions in Washington State.
St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma (Virginia Mason Franciscan Health) uses a practice of surprise double billing through a company called TeamHealth. You’ll see that St Joseph charges for their own staff as well as TeamHealth sending an additional bill surprising you down the road. They don’t itemize it or separate it on their bills. Surprise! You owe us more money!
TeamHealth has its own internal collection company they try to scare you with. They will threaten you will court and judgments as they’ve done with me. Not very honorable or willing to work with you if you’re uninsured. They will ruin your life and credit if laws were not in place to help balance their threats. The collection company is called HRRG (Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group LLC). They give Virginia Mason Franciscan Health and St Joe’s Hospital a bad name and reputation. However, using HRRG is part of their process so that experience and failure is part of their own doing.

I’ve been very unfavorable to these establishments and the practices they have in place to really harass people. This experience has really been hard for me and I have every right to express those opinions to help others who maybe forced to visit the hospital.

Since Virginia Mason Franciscan Health runs St Joe’s Hospital we are stuck using them for everything. It’s unfortunate they don’t fix these bad practices but you should be aware of how their system operates and what they will do to come after if you can’t pay right now (threaten legal and judgments). That is exactly what happened to me. If you can avoid them, run for the hills and go to another hospital or medical provider.
If you don’t have health insurance or lost your job temporarily, never go here! St Joseph Hospital and TeamHealth are working together to double bill you (surprisingly) and are not being transparent about it. Always ask lots of questions and itemized billing. Even if you ask they probably won’t provide the specific staffing details.

Tacoma’a St. Joseph Hospital was established by the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia in 1891. Back then it was a real non-profit centered around faith. The only thing they care about now is getting paid and if you don’t have money they will ruin your credit with the legal system and judgments. They don’t care about you or your situation. The TEAMHealth collection company uses HRRG LLC and they are aggressive. They use unfair practices that actually violate the law (threats). The hospital has come a long way from any “Faith-based system”. They don’t care about the principles of the Church like human dignity or even building healthier communities. From what I’ve experienced, they just want their money and they will use any practice or method to get a dime out of you. This may include you paying a monthly fee for the rest of your life.
I’ve never been more threatened for money than this hospital.
Jennifer Schomburg is the President of the hospital and I’ve never met her. This is her responsibility to provide a better community hospital that actually cares about people. Some people need financial help especially when the hospital, general medical, and prescriptions are not in the realm of being affordable to anybody. Nobody can afford any medical even if they get it through work. Ketul J. Patel is the CEO of Virginia Mason Franciscan Health and Division President in the Pacific Northwest. They all should show better leadership and fix these financial issues for everyone. Be an example for the country instead of being the problem.
St. Joseph Medical Center address is 1717 South J Street Tacoma, WA 98405. The phone is (253) 426-4101.
Virginia Mason Franciscan Health corporate address is 1145 Broadway Plaza Tacoma, WA 98402. The phone is (888) 862-2737.
You should do your own due diligence about the companies mentioned here. This is my opinion based on my personal experience. Everything mentioned on this website I believe is accurate and my opinion. It’s an honest review using their services.
Not affiliated with any of these companies.
The information expressed here is my review and no compensation was given. I’m providing this to educate the public so they are aware of my experience with them. Your experience maybe different.